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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Bv Cure Review Problems And Indications Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Vaginal walls become thin because of different types of vaginal infections and then emit little moisture. Sometimes, the problem is exacerbated to the extent that prevents normal operation, because there is pain, itching, discharge and infection. Even walking can cause pain. It might help Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

If you cannot or do not want to use it, there are globules estrogen applied to the vagina, which moisturize the intimate surroundings and operate only locally, having no effect on the whole body. However, be careful not to overdose on these drugs because they can cause side effects such as vaginal bleeding, breast pain, nausea, and vaginal fungal infections.

Contraindication to its use is the story of cancers, such as endometrial or breast cancer. A good solution is also intimate gels or lotions containing hormones, such as lubricants such as the method of  bacterial vaginosis cure  or KY gel or vaginal moisturizing gels, used 2-3 times a week, not just before sex. Keep in mind that one of the ways to combat vaginal dryness, especially during menopause and sexual relations.

Sexual abstinence can aggravate this problem! Even after giving birth, you can encounter the problem of vaginal dryness. During pregnancy, estrogen levels are usually high, but the solution may fall to prolactin, which is responsible for the preparation of the breast to produce milk, during this time, falling appetite for sex. It is important then the intimate hygiene.

In addition to topical preparations containing estrogen, can apply special lotions containing lactic acid and moisturizing tissues refresh, if you are neither pregnant nor during menopause, vaginal dryness blame for can bear, or mycoses inflammation. Then, go to the doctor for appropriate medication. If, however, for disorders in vaginal moisturizing face some psychological problems, you may need to visit a sexologistor psychologist. The barrier, expressed reluctance to have sex, you may have to fight with therapy.

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