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Monday, 15 April 2013

Joyful Pitfalls of ‘Alcohol’

For the majority adults, the holidays are intertwined with alcohol levels higher than those accustomed to other times of the year. Indeed, consumption of alcoholic beverages is customary to rise in December, partly because increasing social outlets, partly because the spirit of the day invites us to relax. But what effects it can have on health if someone overdoes? And how harmful it is to drink a lot, once or double?

"It is undeniable that moderate consumption of alcohol, two drinks a day for men and one for women, relaxes, improves mood, helps socialize and protects the heart," says the dietician, Scientific Advisor to the Gastroenterology, "On the other hand, excessive consumption or more than four drinks in men and more than three women can lead to drunkenness and all the unpleasant symptoms associated with it, such as headache, nausea, dehydration, gastrointestinal disorders and exhaustion. But these are the "good" health effects, because there are other, much more serious. "

‘The festive days increased the number of patients transferred to outpatient hospitals with severe gastrointestinal problems because of alcohol has been consumed either alone or combined with overeating. These patients often suffer from or have a history of reflux disease, peptic ulcer or other disease; of their days has caused serious problems. There are also patients who overuse of alcohol "are called holiday heart syndrome," also adds. In this, "the alcohol carries toxic effect on the heart muscle, causing a form of arrhythmia," Furthermore, too much alcohol often causes problems and in diabetics, who suffer severe hypoglycemia (blood sugar reduction below normal) due to consumption of alcohol. If all of these add the fact that even one glass is enough to disrupt the ability to drive (40% of traffic in our country happens to drivers who are drunk or very little) and that alcoholic beverages contain calories, which added to those resulting from aggravated fat and calories festive menu, it becomes clear why we need to take some precautions.

"To avoid the side effects of alcohol, it would be drinking in moderation, always with a full stomach and consume enough fluids so as to eliminate the risk of dehydration" recommends researcher:         "If you overdo it and show symptoms of intoxication, recommended eating copious amounts of water, light meals and avoid high-fat foods as well as drinks with caffeine because, despite the view that our coffee revive the drink, this is not true"

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